


admin admin 发表于2024-09-08 16:19:33 浏览19 评论0





薛之谦的外貌薛之谦有着双眼皮, 尖尖的下巴, 脸的轮廓很清晰, 身材也不错 。薛之谦的皮肤挺白的 。Joker appearance Joker has a double fold , a sharp chin , the contours of the face is very clear , good size . The Joker pretty white skin .

求薛之谦英语介绍 尽量原创 一两句话都行啊

Everyone has a favorite person, not only his parents, but also some famous persons, such as signers, dancers, stars, writers and so on.I have a favorite singer, Xue Zhiqian, who also makes Jacky his English name. In his childhood, he led a very pitiful life at one time when his mother suffered from heart disease. And at his age of four, she died, so Jacky was very sad at that time. After growing up, his father sent him to Switzerland for further study. However, Jacky gave up this chance and chose a new career—singing instead.In 2004, he took part in a singing competition when he left me a good impression. Not gaining any reward in that competition, he didn’t give up. He still did his best to make his dream come true. The next year, he succeeded in another singing competition. In 2006, he published his first record “Xue Zhiqian” and made great success. More and more people became his fans. And last year, he published his second record, which had a very special name “Are you getting along well? “ The title of this record is a good present to his fans.In a word, Jacky is an excellent singer as well as a handsome man. In addition, he is good at writing songs. In his two records, he wrote nearly fifteen songs. What a talented singer! I love Jacky very much.. From my point of view, Jacky will be a wonderful singer in China. 几年前写的,后面还可以在加点


When Joker Xue was 4 years old, she died of rheumatic heart disease. Joker Xue was brought up by her father.


When I graduated from high school, my father supported Joker Xue to go to Switzerland to study and sell the house in order to raise money.


He sent him to Switzerland to study abroad and study hotel management by 600 thousand of the selling room.









if you chat with pop singer Jacky Xue,you’ll be amazed at how good he is at telling jokes. He always makes you laugh.When he tells a joke,he really acts it out.But his songs are full of sorrow and are quite unlike his personality."Perhaps I’ve already put all my sad feelings into writing songs,"said Jacky."So I don’t have a heavy burden in mind and can stay happy." Recently,Jacky put out a new photo book "Qianqian Junzi"with his best friend Jun Jun.The two met in the "Lycra my show"contest.Fans love his personality as well as his handsome looks.His self-titled album "Jacky" has an R&B style and a strong Chinese flavour. After he graduated from high school,Jacky’s dad sent him to study in Switzerland. In that beautiful country.He had to live totally on his own.He had never been away from home before.Every little thing,from washing his socks to getting over longliness,was a big task.Jacky said he left home as a boy but returned as a young man. He told us he learnt to be light-hearted from his dad,who showed him in both words and action. "Try to be cheerful and funny in life,but when you get down to work,try to be as serious as you can.Work hard on things you want to do." Jacky’s personality makeshim popular with friends and fans."He’s happy and fun even when we feel tired or down,"said Jun Jun."Even if his jokes are not so funny,the lively way he tells them makes them interesting!"


My favorite movie star is 薛之谦.He English name is Jackie.He’s birthday is June 17th.He is tall and cool.He can sing and dance,and he can plays guitar,too. In a word,I like him very much! 我最喜欢的电影明星是薛之谦.他的英文名字是JACKIE.他的生日是7月17日.他很高,并且很酷.他会唱歌\跳舞,也会弹吉他. 总而言之,我非常喜欢他!


参考如下:Xue Zhiqian is my favorite actor and singerHe is very handsomeHe is also a good manI love him very much


Jacky Xue is a singer and actor from shanghai,China.he was born in 1983,and he is 1.72meters tall.His life changed after he peted in My Show."I was very excited and regarded it as a way to take me closer to my dream," he said. he is popular with his fans.and his favourite slogan is " *** ile on the easy life",1, *** ile to your life ,EASY...亲 我是自己翻译的哦,1,帮忙用英语简述薛之谦,(希望加上他的座右铭:笑看人生easy! 呃···不止翻译这一句、、要一小段


When Jacky Xue gave up studying and returned from Sweden to sing, his father in shanghai reached a (n) _1_ with him: If he couldn’t make anything out of his _2_ in three years , he would have to continue his hotel management studies. Three years later ,in 2005,he stood _3_ on the My show stage and soon _4_ had his own album. And , his music has _5_ with him. This mouth ,he released a new album , How’s Everything Going with you? Jacky’s father influenced him most. He gave his son the name Qianqian in _6_ he would be a modest boy. He _7_ their house secretly to help him go abroad. In Sweden, Jacky became _8_ of how hard it was to make a living .He did some labor on dish-washing and brick-carrying jobs to _9_ himself . Since then ,he has never wanted to let his father _10_. In music ,he’s a bit over sensitive .Perhaps that’s because of his _11_.His mom died when he was four and his girlfriend _12_ him on a rare snowy day into Shanghai .He has put his deepest _13_ in the songs. _14_ ,when he gets to the real world ,he cheers up by telling _15_ .That’s the way he grew up. Jacky says that _16_ can be both good and annoying .Now, when he goes to a restaurant, people _17_ him. Some will sit near him and speak in a loud way: “ His songs are just so so. ” or “See, he look so skinny ”. He never regards fame as real _18_ .He says he’s only _19_ getting a chance to sing, which is his _20_. He’d like to go on doing it. 1.A.conclusion B.agreement C.decision D.argument 2. A.singing B.studies C.travel D.wish 3. A.quietly B.calmly C.proudly D.unhappily 4. A.only B.still C.ever D.even 5. A.stayed up B.turned C.kept up D.grown up 6. A.order B.case C.future D.hope 7. A.repaired B.rented C.sold D.bought 8. A.aware B.sure C.tired D.proud 9. A.help B.feed C.make D.encourage 10.A.in B.out C.down D.up 11.A.experiences B.imagination C.appearance D.voice 12. A.hated B.left C.hit D.took13. A.emotions B.impression C.shame D.motives 14. A.thus B.however C.Meanwhile D.so 15. A.jokes B.lies C.stories D.reasons 16. A.music B.songs C.fame D.chance 17. A.recognize B.pay C.praise D.greet 18. A.truth B.problem C.thing D.success 19. A.relaxed B.anxious C.happy D.able 20. A.worry B.favorite C.opinion D.action====================把完形填空补充完整就OK了~


English Name: Jacky XueDate of Birth: 17-07-1983Height : 1.72Weight : 55kgEducation : studied hotel management in Switzerland professionalCharacter : lively, cheerful, youthful elegance, excellent interpersonalExperience : performances, singing, Composition Idol : Jacky Cheung Favourite foods: crabs, shrimpIf you chat with pop singer Jacky Xue,you’ll be amazed at how good he is at telling jokes. He always makes you laugh.When he tells a joke,he really acts it out.But his songs are full of sorrow and are quite unlike his personality."Perhaps I’ve already put all my sad feelings into writing songs,"said Jacky."So I don’t have a heavy burden in mind and can stay happy." Recently,Jacky put out a new photo book "Qianqian Junzi"with his best friend Jun Jun.The two met in the "Lycra my show"contest.Fans love his personality as well as his handsome looks.His self-titled album "Jacky" has an R&B style and a strong Chinese flavour. After he graduated from high school,Jacky’s dad sent him to study in Switzerland. In that beautiful country.He had to live totally on his own.He had never been away from home before.Every little thing,from washing his socks to getting over longliness,was a big task.Jacky said he left home as a boy but returned as a young man. He told us he learnt to be light-hearted from his dad,who showed him in both words and action. "Try to be cheerful and funny in life,but when you get down to work,try to be as serious as you can.Work hard on things you want to do." Jacky’s personality makeshim popular with friends and fans."He’s happy and fun even when we feel tired or down,"said Jun Jun."Even if his jokes are not so funny,the lively way he tells them makes them interesting!"
